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How walnuts and purslane can save your heart

Heart patients who eat like Cretans have a better chance of survival than those who follow the low cholesterol diet recommended by the American Heart Association, say French medical researchers. One of the key ingredients of the Cretan diet is probably alpha-linolenic acid, which seems to protect against heart attacks.

Michel de Lorgeril and Serge Renaud, medical scientists at the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, followed the progress of 606 patients who were admitted to hospital in Lyons after their first heart attack.

Half the patients were put on a typically Cretan diet rich in grains, vegetables and fruit, and including a moderate amount of fish and cheese. They ate less red meat and more poultry than is normally found in the French diet. This group was told to use only olive oil or rapeseed oil for cooking. And instead of butter or margarine, they were given a solid fat spread with roughly the same composition as olive oil or rapeseed oil but enriched with alpha-linolenic acid. Alpha-linolenic acid is the precursor of a family of essential fats known as n-3 long chain fatty acids, which are found in abundance in oily fish.

The two groups of people with the world’s lowest incidence of heart disease have a high intake of alpha-linolenic acid. The Cretans, who have the second lowest rate of heart attacks, get theirs mainly from walnuts and purslane, a salad vegetable. The Japanese of Kohama Island, who have the lowest incidence of heart disease, eat the fatty acid in soya beans and rapeseed oil.

The second group of patients followed the American Heart Association diet which aims to lower the level of blood cholesterol. Cholesterol is associated with clogging of the arteries. This diet reduces the intake of saturated fat and increases consumption of polyunsaturated fat.

Over a period of 27 months, 16 patients on the AHA diet died from heart attacks, 4 died from other causes, while 17 survived another attack. Of the patients on the Cretan diet, 3 died from a heart attack, 5 from other causes and 5 had another nonfatal attack. At this stage, the benefits of the Cretan diet were so striking that the trial was stopped and all patients were told to follow the Mediterranean-style diet.

At the end of the study, the patients on the Cretan diet showed a 68 per cent increase in the concentration of alpha-linolenic acid in their blood, bringing them in line with the people of Kohama. The researchers present their findings in the current issue of The Lancet.

De Lorgeril and Renaud suggest that alpha-linolenic acid protects heart patients from further attacks in much the same way as fish oil does. In 1989, a study known as the DART study, carried out in Wales, showed that on average, heart attack victims who ate moderate amounts of oily fish, such as herring and mackerel, lived longer than those who did not.

A diet rich in fish oil (eicosapentaenoic acid or ESA) apparently makes the blood less likely to clot and also makes the heart less prone to dangerous irregular contractions (ventricular arrhythmias).

This new study suggests that alpha-linolenic acid from plants can offer similar protection, perhaps because it is converted into ESA in the body.

Renaud says that while alpha-linolenic acid is important, it is vital to get the proper balance of all fatty acids. ‘It may take us another 50 years to find the best combination,’ he says.

De Lorgeril stresses that other factors in the diet, such as the enhanced intake of vitamins E and C, might also have some protective effect.

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